Location | Na Mariánské cestě
Realitní projekt roku 2023 Absolutní vítěz


A perfect background for life harmony

On the outskirts of a middle-sized town, in the picturesque region of Central Polabí, with the capital at hand and endless leisure possibilities just a stone’s throw away. Do you know a better address?

A lot of attractions for your afternoon walks and businesses you will fall in love with

The banks of the Elbe River, the historical centre with the dominating Renaissance castle and the original central park. You will not lack places where to spend your free afternoon in Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav. Moreover, there are a lot of original little shops, agreeable cafés and good restaurants well-displaying the care and zeal of their owners. Most of the year, they use local sources of food you can buy directly from the local farmers and growers, too.

St. Anne’s Farm
Melicharka Restaurant
The Central Park
An island in the Elbe River
Castle Garden
Emil Zátopek’s Running Trails
Veslovka River Spa
Proboštská jezera
Horse-riding Club
Forest park Houšťka
Marian pilgrimage site

St. Anne’s Farm

Children as well as adults cannot resist the fresh goat and cow milk goodies produced in the St. Anne’s family farm.

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Melicharka Restaurant

The success of this renowned Old Czech pub is based on the culinary art of its cooks and top-quality food. A great part of the food comes from the farms located near Brandýs.

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In Brandýs, there are a lot of agreeable cafés offering coffee made by the local coffee-roasting plants. You will gladly come back to such cafés. Dvě vrány Café offers a creative ceramic shop. Na Půdě Café lures its guests to come to a picturesque attic and to try home-made delicious pies, buns and cakes.

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The Central Park and Brandýs Matýsek

One of the evidence of Brandýs prosperity in the last years. Once a plain area below the Brandýs Hospital has recently changed to a new park with picnic spots, an in-line track and other possibilities for doing sports.

In its close vicinity, there is the Brandýs Matýsek family centre, which offers an inexhaustible number of clubs, courses and adventure activities for children and their parents.

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An island in the Elbe River

The green oasis between Brandýs nad Labem and Stará Boleslav is an ideal place for refreshing yourself in burning summer days. Sun lovers can bask on the sandy beach, children can have fun in a number of jungle gyms, and recently, a disc-golf course has been built here for lovers of active leisure.

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Castle Garden

The large garden flourished in the reign of Emperor Rudolph II. Besides beds in bloom, the garden attracts its visitors by a domestic animals run. The local broad paths are suitable for prams and children’s push bikes. The open grassy areas invite people for picnics.

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Emil Zátopek’s Running Trails

Houšťka Forest Park near Stará Boleslav is a popular vacation spot. It is also associated with the fascinating Emil Zátopek’s sports achievements. You can set along his footsteps on several kilometres of marked running trails running along agreeable forest paths.

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Veslovka River Spa

A stylish business emanating the cosiness of Vančura’s moody swimming pool. You can drink local beer on your way along the river and listen to live music in long summer evenings.

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Proboštská jezera

The renowned bathing place with good windsurfing conditions and agreeable sandy beaches is a clear choice for hot summer days. There is everything you need to stay here all day long – children’s playgrounds, sports courts, a restaurant, and other facilities. In the summer season, the area comes to life with music festivals and other cultural events.

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Golf in the heart of Polabí

Precise stroke lovers can get their money’s worth in the agreeable environment of Proboštská jezera. The nine-hole course includes everything that is part of good golf: greens that are diverse in shape, water obstacles, fairway bunkers, adapted fairways, impassable undergrowth, and a semi-island hole.

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Horse-riding Club

The local horse-riding club, which associates both sports and pleasure riders, is based near the bridge between Brandýs and Stará Boleslav. It organizes regular competitions in a number of horse-riding disciplines.

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Forest park Houšťka

The former spa area is now a popular destination for afternoon walks with various sports facilities, a freely accessible rope park and a forest playground.

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Marianský pilgrimage site

The Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Stará Boleslav is the oldest Marian pilgrimage site in our country. There is preserved a metal relief of the Madonna and Child of immense historical value, the so-called Palladium of the Czech lands, which is compared in its significance to the coronation jewels. His fate is associated with the missionaries Cyril and Methodius, St. Ludmila and Prince Bořivoj and their grandson St. Wenceslas, who wore it around the neckband.

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Wonderful conditions for active leisure

Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav is a Mecca of water sports, running and cycling. However, all lovers of movement will get their money’s worth here.

The oldest water slalom course and the first Czech artificial wave

The oldest artificial water slalom course in our territory, built directly below the Brandýs Castle, is very popular with both professional and pleasure kayakers. However, it is reserved for surfers at selected hours. They can refine their skills on the first static wave in our republic. You can hire a kayak, a surf and a neoprene directly on the spot.

Houšťka Forest Park

The vacation spot on the Stará Boleslav side of the Elbe River became famous thanks to runner Emil Zátopek, who beat many world records there. And the area lives and breathes for sports even today. Moreover, it has become a favourite destination for walks. You can set off in Emil Zátopek’s running footsteps along several kilometres of marked running trails. A freely accessible rope park and a forest children’s playground are big attractions. The forested area also includes an open-air cinema, tennis courts, an athletics stadium, and the longest European Olympic Champions’ Alley, which commemorates our successful sportspeople.

A number of tourist destinations in the neighbourhood

Historical sights, natural objects of interest, adrenalin experiences… even the close vicinity of the town has a lot of things to offer.

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Zveme vás na individuální prohlídku nové rezidence inspirované skandinávským životním stylem Na Mariánské cestě, která pro vás bude připravena k nastěhování v prvním čtvrtletí 2025.

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